End Of Life Support Offerings

  • Single Session Call or Zoom

    During a 45-minute meeting, we will talk about your animal and their needs as they move towards the end-of-life. Receive support for decision making, and ideas for preparing to say farewell.


  • Euthanasia Support

    I can be there with you for support during the passing of your animal companion during at home or in-clinic euthanasia. This visit can include prayers, blessings or rituals at the time of or directly after your companion’s death.


  • End-of-Life Planning Home Visit

    When you have an animal who is terminally ill or elderly, there are many small changes that can be made around the home to make them and you more comfortable as you care for them. This visit includes an in-person chaplain visit to discuss your experience of your animal’s end-of-life, as well as discussion of small steps you might take to best care for your companion and prepare for their passing.

    Visit requires 90 minutes to 2 hours


  • End-of-Life Doula Package

    This package includes three 45-minute meetings (phone/virtual or in-person). One will include an initial discussion to support your end-of-life planning and decision-making for your companion, one will include a support check-in, and one will be a session for after you have said goodbye. Additional sessions can be added as needed, including in-person support during planned euthanasia.

    Base package = $180

    Additional 45-minute sessions = $60 each

    Euthanasia Support = $75

To book any offering, first schedule a free 30-minute planning call.

If you are seeking support but are on a limited income, please ask about sliding scale rates during our planning call.

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.
— Rumi